Roof Treatments

Roof Cleaning

There is no “average” weather in Rhode Island. Our roof is key to protecting the quality and longevity of our home and business, rain or shine.
Ocean State Pressure Washing provides our residential and commercial customers with a robust roof cleaning service that keeps your topmost investment in its best condition.

Soft Washing: The Key to A Clean Roof

There are a lot of ways that companies approach roof treatments. Ocean State Pressure Washing always uses soft washing. It provides everything that our customers are looking for in a professional solution – It’s safe, it’s reliable, and it’s effective.

Soft washing utilizes advanced power washing equipment that sends out water and cleaners at a low, safe pressure. It’s the best way to completely clean your roofing without triggering issues like cracked shingles and water damage. Plus, it delivers results that last.

Our Roof Washing Service

Your roof deals with a lot. It’s got the weather to contend with and it grapples with mold and mildew growth. Ocean State Pressure Washing removes all of these “cons” to leave only the “pro” – a beautiful, functional, and long-lasting roof for your home or business.

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Our roof washing services provide:

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  • Complete buildup removal of mildew, mold, dirt, and more
  • Black stain and black streak removal
  • Improved quality for a longer roof life


Get your roof cleaning solution from Ocean State Pressure Washing and start with your free estimate!

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Our Roof Cleaning Gallery